More Links to Inspire–your Callings!

 Do What You Love

(video, compliments of Green Renaissance, a filmmaking collective dedicated to sharing positive stories)

 Elizabeth Gilbert: Distinguishing Between Hobbies, Jobs, Careers & Vocation

A creative life is any life governed more by curiosity than by fear. In this course Elizabeth Gilbert, the best-selling author of books including Eat Pray Love, Committed, The Signature of All Things and Big Magic will equip you with the practical tools and inspiration to jumpstart your own creative journey.

 Purpose Discovery

This documentary—Purpose Discovery: A Short Film—by Jonathan Gustin, founder of the Purpose Guides Institute—weaves together interviews with 22 renowned teachers including Anne Lamott, Thomas Moore, Jean Houston, Joanna Macy, Parker Palmer, Adyashanti, and Michael Meade.

 You Have A Calling

The website of Joseph Wilner, dedicated to helping “dream chasers” catch up with their dreams—a treasure chest of videos, worksheets, articles, interviews and more.

 Paul Dyer Interview with Gregg: Part 1

Interview with Gregg Levoy, conducted by Paul Dyer, whose website is devoted to the search for meaningful work and life purpose.

 Paul Dyer Interview with Gregg: Part 2

Interview with Gregg Levoy, conducted by Paul Dyer, whose website is devoted to the search for meaningful work and life purpose.

 Callings Yahoo Group

This is the link to a new Callings Yahoo Group formed by a university professor in Sacramento named Mark Springer. It's a forum where people who've read Callings and are working to put its principles into practice in their lives, can dialogue with others who are doing the same, compare notes, and support one another.

 Alan Watts

A wonderful short video about the importance of following your passions, by the philosopher Alan Watts.


Formerly, this site connects those who want to pivot from their current career or start a new one, with advisors and mentors in hundreds of fields.

 Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action.

Terrific TED talk by Simon Sinek about the power of purpose; that it's not What we do but Why we do it.

 Creating the Work You Love

The website of Rick Jarow, author of Creating the Work You Love, is designed to help you honor your life’s calling and create a self-sustaining career that “resonates with your deepest levels of integrity, passion, and purpose.

 American Counseling Association

Website of the American Counseling Association, the largest association of professional counselors in areas including career & employment, school & college, couples & family, personal growth, spiritual/religious, adult development, mental health and others.

 Steve Jobs

This is a youtube video of Apple co-founder Steve Jobs' 2005 Commencement speech at Stanford University, which touches significantly and powerfully on the theme of following callings and passions.

Website of Lance Secretan, author of "Inspirational Leadership," whose work is dedicated to "spirit and values in the workplace."

Website of the International Association of Career Management Professionals.

Career coaching.

Focuses on "the soul/body connections."

 New Directions

Resource for senior executives and professionals in transition.

 National Career Development Association

Official website of the National Career Development Association. Promotes career development across the life span. Includes info on professional development, publications, conferences, resources, public information and professional standards.

 International Coaching Federation

Website of the International Coaching Federation, a professional organization of personaland business coaches.

 The Career Clinic Radio Show

Website of The Career Clinic Radio Show, broadcast worldwide, devoted to helping people find work they love.

 Hudson Institute of Santa Barbara

Website of one of the oldest coach training organizations in the country, specializing in personal, professional and organizational renewal.

Career guidance resources for kids K-12.

This site is devoted to supporting and encouraging people to follow their own road in life rather than someone else's, and learning from individuals who have "resisted The Noise of conformity and stayed true to themselves."

Website of the Osher Lifelong Learning Institutes (over 100 of them at universities around the country), dedicated to disseminating information on educational programming for older learners.


A marvelous melding of the poetry of Greek poet C.P. Cavafy, the voice of Sean Connery, and the music of Vangelis, this short video is a paean to the journey rather than the destination.


Trailer and website for the movie Openings, in which Gregg Levoy appears. It’s a docudrama that came out in 2012 about the power of inner guidance, and is modeled stylistically on the hit movies The Secret and What the Bleep, and even features a few of their luminaries, such as best-selling author Joe Vitale (The Secret) and physicist Amit Goswami (What the Bleep). It's also scored by 7-time Grammy nominee Peter Kater.